Leveraging the high quality assessment history on common materials and the advanced auto-approval logic in the CMD system, our platform can generate an accurate and reliable CSA report to comply internal and international rules.
The CMD Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) report provides a trustable and certain scanning results on your product BOS. All the scanning results are complied with the international rules and restricted substance list. Our CMD system can also give an alert on the high risk materials.
Upload Product or Material Bill of Substance
Check against Compliance Rules and Restricted Substance list
Store and share historical assessment
Apply pre-defined logic to identify high risk ingredient
Generate Chemical Assessment Reports for download
1. With our Al application, system is able to learn and accumulate materials assessment in CMD-CSA system
2. Improving efficiency in generating electronic CSA report based on BOS instead of traditional treatment by external laboratories which is expensive and time-consuming
3. Two ways communications platform allows factories and suppliers to share their supporting documents and comments on the cloud platform.